

See publications by Naznin Virji-Babul on PubMed


Sattari, S., Kenny, R., Liu, CC; Hajra, SG; Virji-Babul, N. Blink-related oscillations reflect brain function changes due to subconcussive head impacts in female soccer players.  Frontiers of Human Neuroscience: Accepted.

Kenny R, Elez M, Clansey A, Virji-Babul N, Wu LC. (2022) Head Impact Exposure and Biomechanics in University Varsity Women’s Soccer. Ann Biomed Eng. Jan 18:1–12. doi: 10.1007/s10439-022-02914-3. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35041117; PMCID: PMC8765100.

Weik E, Virji-Babul N, Ribary U, Tipper C. (2022) A matter of perspective: Distinct brain mechanisms for evaluating positive and negative social feedback about oneself and another person. Soc Neurosci. Jun;17(3):193-208. doi: 10.1080/17470919.2022.2058081. Epub 2022 Apr 3. PMID: 35369852.

Rotem-Kohavi N,  Virji-Babul N., Oberlander T. (2021) Prenatal exposure to SSRIs is related to the functional connectivity organization underlying emotion perception in 8-10 month old infants. Infant Behaviour and Development.  10 Mar 2021, 63:101545
DOI: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2021.101545

Russell Schulz B, Vavasour I, Zhang J, MacKay A, Purcell V, Muller AM, Brucar L, Torres I, Panenka W, Virji-Babul N. (2021) Myelin water fraction decrease in individuals with chronic mild traumatic brain injury and persistent symptoms. Helyion: Volume 7, Issue 4,April 2021, e06709.

Thanjavur K, Babul A, Foran B, Bielecki M, Gilchrist A, Hristopulos DT, Brucar LR, Virji-Babul.  (2021) Recurrent Neural Network-based Acute Concussion Classifier using Raw Resting State EEG Data. Sci Rep. 2021 Jun 11;11(1):12353.

Thanjavur, K., Hristopulos, D. T., Babul, A., Yi, K. M., & Virji-Babul, N. (2021). Deep Learning Recurrent Neural Network for Concussion Classification in Adolescents Using Raw Electroencephalography Signals: Toward a Minimal Number of Sensors.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15.

Willms, M., Virji-Babul.  (2020) Neuroenhancement using transcranial electrical brain stimulation in adolescence: Ethical and social concerns.  Pages: 157-177.  In: Eds:  Developments in Neuroethics and Bioethics Volume 3: Ethical Dimensions of Commercial and DIY Neurotechnologies.  Volume 3.  

Iverson GL, Cook NE, Howell DR, Collings LJ, Kusch C, Sun J, Virji-Babul N, Panenka WJ.(2019)  Preseason Vestibular Ocular Motor Screening in Children and Adolescents. Clin J Sport Med. 2019 Jun 19. doi: 10.1097/JSM.0000000000000767. [Epub ahead of print]

Rotem-Kohavi N, Williams LJ, Muller AM, Abdi H, Virji-Babul N, Bjornson BH, Brain U, Werker JF, Grunau RE, Miller SP, Oberlander TF. (2019) Hub distribution of the brain functional networks of newborns prenatally exposed to maternal depression and SSRI antidepressants.Depress Anxiety.  Aug;36(8):753-765. doi: 10.1002/da.22906. Epub 2019 May 8.

Porter S, Silverberg ND, Virji-Babul N. (2019) Cortical activity and network organization underlying physical and cognitive exertion in active young adult athletes: Implications for concussion.J Sci Med Sport. Apr;22(4):397-402. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2018.09.233.
Rotem-Kohavi N, Williams LJ, Virji-Babul N, Bjornson BH, Brain U, Werker JF, Grunau RE, Miller SP, Oberlander TF. (2019) Alterations in Resting-State Networks Following In Utero Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Exposure in the Neonatal Brain. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging. Jan;4(1):39-49. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2018.08.004.

Alhajri N, Hodges NJ, Zwicker JG, Virji-Babul N. (2018) Mu Suppression Is Sensitive to Observational Practice but Results in Different Patterns of Activation in Comparison with Physical Practice. Neural Plast. 2018 May 27;2018:8309483. doi: 10.1155/2018/8309483.

Schmidt J, Rubino C, Boyd LA, Virji-Babul N. (2018) The Role of Physical Activity in Recovery From Concussion in Youth: A Neuroscience Perspective.J Neurol Phys Ther. 2018 Jul;42(3):155-162. doi: 10.1097/NPT.0000000000000226.

Muller AM, Virji-Babul N.Stuck in a State of Inattention? Functional Hyperconnectivity as an Indicator of Disturbed Intrinsic Brain Dynamics in Adolescents With Concussion: A Pilot Study.ASN Neuro. 2018 Jan-Dec;10:1759091417753802. doi: 10.1177/1759091417753802.

Collins LJ, Cook NE, Porter S, Kusch C, Sun J, Virji-Babul N, Iverson GL, Panenka WJ.  (2017). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is associated with baseline Child Sport Concussion Assessment Tool Third Edition scores in child hockey players.  Brain Injury 31(11):1479-1485. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2017.1377351

Rotem-Kohavi N, Oberlander T, Virji-Babul N. (2017) Infants and adults have similar regional functional brain organization for the perception of emotions. Neuroscience Letters. DOI:10.1016/j.neulet.2017.04.031

Porter S, Torres IJ, Panenka W, Rajwani Z, Fawcett D, Hyder A, Virji-Babul N. (2017).  Changes in brain-behavior relationship following a 3 month pilot cognitive intervention program for adults with traumatic brain injury.  Heliyon. 3(8) doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2017.e00373

Yeung, A., Munjal, V., & Virji-Babul, N. Development of the Sports Organization Concussion Risk Assessment Tool (SOCRAT). Brain Injury. 2017; doi:10.1080/02699052.2016.1271456

Balkan, O., Virji-Babul, N., Miyakoshi, M., Makeig, S., Garudadri, H. Source-domain Spectral EEG Analysis of Sports-Related Concussion via Measure Projection Analysis. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology. Accepted: May 31, 2015

Yeung, A., Garudadri, H., VanToen, C., Mercier, M., Balkan, O., Makeig, S., Virji-Babul, N. Comparison of Foam-Based and Spring-Loaded Dry EEG Electrodes with Wet Electrodes in Resting and Moving Conditions. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology. Accepted: May 31, 2015

Tatla, S., Shirzad, N., Lohse, KL., Virji-Babul, N., Hoens, AM., Holsti, L., Li, LC., Miller, KJ.,  Lam, MY.,  Van der Loos, HFM. (2015). Therapists’ perceptions of social media and video game technologies in upper limb rehabilitation.  In Press: JIMR: Serious Games

 Lam, M., Tatla, SK., Lohse, KR., Shirzad, N., Hoens, AL., Miller, KJ., Holsti, L., Virji-Babul, N., Van der Loos, M. (2015). Perceptions of Technology and its Use for Therapeutic Application for Individuals with Hemiparesis: Findings from Adult and Paediatric Focus Groups.  JIMR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies. In Press.

 Borich, M., Babul, A-N., Yuan, P., Boyd, L., Virji-Babul, N.  (2015). Alterations in resting state brain networks in concussed adolescents. J Neurotrauma: Feb 15;32(4):265-71


 Rotem-Kohavi, N., Hilderman, C., Liu, A., Makan N., Wang, J.Z., Virji-Babul, N. (2014). Network analysis of perception-action coupling in infants.  Frontiers of Human Neuroscience Apr 8;8:209. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00209

 Virji-Babul, N., Hilderman, C.G.E., Makan, N., Liu, A., Smith-Forrester, J., Franks, C., Wang, J.Z. (2014). Changes in functional brain networks following sports related concussion in adolescents. J Neurotrauma 31 (23): 1914-1919.

 Tatla, SK., Jarus, T., Virji-Babul, N., Holsti, L. (2014). The development of the Pediatric Motivation Scale for rehabilitation. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. DOI: 10.1177/0008417414556884

 Tatla, S., Sauve, K., Jarus, T., Virji-Babul, N., Holsti, L. (2014). The effects of motivating interventions on rehabilitation outcomes in children and adolescents with acquired brain injuries: A systematic review. Brain Injury 28 (8):1022-1035.

 Nathoo, F.S., Babul, A., Moiseev, A. Virji-Babul, N., Beg, M.F. (2014). A Variational Bayes Spatiotemporal Model for Electromagnetic Brain Mapping. Biometrics, 70(1): 132-42

Jones, M.,  Farre, P.,  Watt, K., Neumann, S., Emberly, E., Cynader, M., Virji-Babul, N., Kobor, M. (2013). Distinct DNA methylation patterns of cognitive impairment and Trisomy 21 in Down Syndrome. BMC Medical Genomics Dec 27;6:58.

 Borich, M., Makan, N., Boyd, L, Virji-Babul N. (2013). Diffusion tensor imaging and fiber tractography following sports related concussion in adolescents: A preliminary report. Journal of Neurotrauma 30(14): 1243-1249

 Borich MR, Cheung K, Jones P, Khramova V, Gavrailoff, L. Boyd LA, Virji-Babul N. (2013). Concussion: current concepts in diagnosis and management. Journal Neurological Physical Therapy 37(3):133-9.

 Virji-Babul, N., Borich, M., Makan, N., Moore, TD., Frew, K., Emery, C., Boyd, L. (2013). Diffusion tensor imaging of sport related concussion in adolescents. Pediatric Neurology 48:24-29

Virji-Babul N, Moiseev A, Sun W, Fesharaki A, Beg F, Ribary U. (2012). Dynamics of oscillatory changes associated with the perception of human motion. Neuroreport 12;23(13):793-8.

Ismail, S., Sun, W., Nathoo, F.S., Babul, A., Moiseev, A., Beg,M.F., Virji-Babul, N. (2012). A Skew-t Space-Varying Regression Model for the Spectral Analysis of Resting State Brain Activity. Statistical Methods in Medical Research May 20 [Epub ahead of print].

Virji-Babul, N., Rose, A., Moiseeva, N., Makan, N. (2012) Neural correlates of action understanding in infants: influence of motor experience. Brain and Behavior 2(3):237-42.

Virji-Babul, N., Watt, K., Nathoo, F., Johnson, P. (2012). Recognition of facial expressions of emotion in adults with Down syndrome. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr Aug;32(3):333-43.